Ditch Coffee, Drink this instead

Notice increase in energy, alertness, and reduction in stress

4 min readJul 11, 2021

For those people who are trying to reduce intake of coffee or trying to stop being reliant on caffeine. This article might just be for you.

Before, I used to be a morning coffee drinker, without fail. Without a cup of coffee in the morning, I will not be able to function throughout the day, constantly feeling restless. Drinking coffee does indeed provide energy because of the caffeine it has, however, the energy spike only lasted awhile. After 1–2 hours, my energy level would crash again, I would then reach out for another cup of coffee.

Drinking too much coffee however might result in many implications in the future, like high blood pressure, headache, being too reliant on caffeine etc. With that in mind, I went to do some research to find a replacement for coffee and that is where I got introduced to matcha.

Matcha Latte have changed my life. After researching on the benefits of matcha, I tried consuming it instead of coffee for the first 2 weeks. The change was tough initially, however after from the second week onwards, I start noticing benefits of matcha and find myself no longer reliant on coffee anymore in the morning to get energy. After drinking matcha latte religiously every day for the past 3 months, I can safely say that matcha has replaced coffee for me. My body have never felt so much more energetic and healthier.

